Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q.Can you explain how you create an Applicant Tracking System Friendly Resume?


The Applicant Tracking System Friendly Resume is specifically designed to look beautiful to the eye and yet to have all of the technical elements that make it acceptable to the Applicant Tracking System so that it will not be caught by filters or rejected. The protocol behind the process is highly technical, and can best be explained as marrying the two together via a proprietary code. The computer filters are unable to detect the visual elements that make the resume appealing, while the human that actually sees the finalized resume will not be able to see the machine-friendly version that would appear dull and lifeless.

Q.What do I need to do in order to begin the process and order an Applicant Tracking System Friendly Resume?


We try to make the process as user friendly as possible, because our goal is to provide you with a resume that is perfectly tailored to your needs and your sense of aesthetics. We start by having you look through all of the various designs that we’ve created so that you can select the one that you find most visually appealing. Once you’ve found your perfect match, you drop it into your shopping cart, copy and paste or upload your resume from your computer onto our system, and pay. From that point we do all the hard work. Our design team will put together a PDF of your customized Applicant Tracking System Friendly Resume that’s ready for you to send to potential employers.

Q.Can you explain how you create an Applicant Tracking System Friendly Resume?


The Applicant Tracking System Friendly Resume is specifically designed to look beautiful to the eye and yet to have all of the technical elements that make it acceptable to the Applicant Tracking System so that it will not be caught by filters or rejected. The protocol behind the process is highly technical, and can best be explained as marrying the two together via a proprietary code. The computer filters are unable to detect the visual elements that make the resume appealing, while the human that actually sees the finalized resume will not be able to see the machine-friendly version that would appear dull and lifeless.

Q.Can you give me more information on the difference between an Applicant Tracking System Friendly Resume and the Human version?


When you put together a resume, you do so with an idea to how it will look – you’re trying to impress the person who will be looking at your credentials by making the resume’s content strong and the visuals appealing. Unfortunately, the very design elements that attract the human eye actually confuse the Applicant Tracking Systems that most companies are using today. These systems are programmed to look for specific words and that are easy to read – things like headings, bold font or interesting typeface, and other graphic elements may impress a Human Resources Manager, but may cause the candidate management system to reject your application, preventing that manager from ever actually laying eyes on it. An Applicant Tracking System Friendly Resume is a combination of the two: it looks good to a human, but it is hiding a computer-friendly version that will prevent the Applicant Tracking System from screening you out based upon the attractive design of the Human version.

Q.What is the success rate of your Applicant Tracking System Friendly Resumes?


We put our Applicant Tracking System Friendly Resume system through repeated testing in order to make sure that we are keeping up with modifications that are made to the Applicant Tracking Systems. We have been able to achieve a 100% level of success based upon the systems in place in 95% of American companies, and we will continue striving to maintain that complete success rate.

Q.Am I permitted to make modifications after you’ve provided a design?


The design elements of a resume are extremely easy to make changes to, so if you want a revision to a font or color that we’ve used, you can just request it. We provide a convenient notes section on our order form, so if you have any requests you can use that, or else notify us via email. Simply email us at and let us know what you need changed and we will get it done right away.

Q.What do you do when a resume’s unique information doesn’t mesh well with the designs that you offer on your site?


We recognize that the designs on our site are not going to be a perfect fit for everybody, and are extremely flexible in our ability to format a resume that will work for each unique need.

Q.What do you do when a resume’s unique information doesn’t mesh well with the designs that you offer on your site?


We recognize that the designs on our site are not going to be a perfect fit for everybody, and are extremely flexible in our ability to format a resume that will work for each unique need.

Q.What happens if I need to make a change to the content of my resume because something changes, such as an additional job skill or certification?


When you order a resume from us we automatically include one free revision for your future use, and we also make additional changes possible at a reasonable fee of just $30 per change thereafter. All you have to do is send us an email at if you need a change because of a mistake we’ve made, there is no charge to fix it.

Q.How long does it take you to get my Applicant Tracking System Friendly Resume back to me?


Generally speaking, we are able to get your resume back to you within three to five business days of you completing your selection and placing your order. We also offer an expedited service that is available for a small additional fee. If you are in need of a quick turnaround, you are able to indicate that you need the expedited service at the time that you place your order and provide payment.

Q.What if I like the way that my resume looks, and just need the optimization for the Applicant Tracking System?


You are absolutely able to request that we make no changes to the design elements of your resume and simply layer what you already have onto the Applicant Tracking System Optimized version that we create. In order to do that, simply order “ATS Optimization Only” from the order page. That being said, we encourage you to consider using our full service, as we have assembled an expert team of designers who know what makes a resume standout to today’s hiring professionals. It is our goal to provide you with a resume that will not only get past the applicant screening systems, but also will give you the best possible chance of impressing the hiring decision makers and getting you a call in for an interview.

Q.Can you tell me about your free resume review offer?


Anybody who is interested in learning more about our Applicant Tracking System Optimization Resume service can request a free resume review from us. It’s a simple process – just send us your resume and we’ll run it through our internal testing system, which is based upon scores provided by some of the most popular job boards, applicant tracking system and Resume Parsing Software programs. We will review the acceptability of your resume and provide you with a screen video that indicates exactly what is working against your resume’s ability to get past the screens and offer you a review of what we would do to make changes that will overcome these difficulties.